Posts Tagged ‘choices’


Posted: October 19, 2014 in happiness, nicosai, stuff
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No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or by emotional appeal.

Marilyn Ferguson

I sometimes dream that things could’ve been better if circumstances beyond my control had been different or had been preferable to me. I sometimes want people’s paradigms to change. But now I know that free will is a sacred ground for each individual – something that cannot be taken lightly or disrespected. Our choices, whether they may be logical or illogical, whether they are understood or misunderstood by those affected by our choices, whether they are mature enough or not, are still our choices. Others only get to accept our choices, or retaliate from them.

I’m now doing my best working on the things that I have control of, my choices (and my grammar, lol). I’m seriously committing to small things in my life, so that I get to commit on the bigger things in my life, and with other people as well. It really takes an awful lot of time and effort working on improving myself though, and sometimes I can’t help but grow impatient and weary. Pero kaya yan! Patience Nicosai. Haha 😀

Happy Sunday! 🙂